falcon flight sim : updated



Ok, so while I was waiting for my Solidworks and Alias licenses to get updated, I did a little side project. A Millennium Falcon flight sim!

Well, technically it simulates the display on the dashboard console – or my imagining of it.

It has 360+ of the known planets in the Star Wars galaxy mapped in 3D space and you can fly around and explore the whole galaxy.

The little compass thingy at the bottom always points toward the center of the galaxy (it’s easy to get lost) and the planet names appear as you fly close to them.

The read-out at the top shows current heading and and speed and a bunch of other stuff – but It’s all in Aurebesh, of course. So get to translating.

The controls are:

W – dive
S – climb
A – bank left
D – bank right
Q – hyperspace (of sorts)
E – brake


Tweaked the UI quite a bit and added destination presets! Using the numbers keys (not the ones on the num pad…)

0 – Tatooine
1 – Alderaan
2 – Yavin
3 – Hoth
4 – Bespin
5 – Endor
6 – Coruscant
7 – Naboo
8 – Kamino
9 – Geonosis
minus – Utapau
equals – Mustafar
tilde – Dagobah
